2023 began with a bang, as I was notified that my exhibit for the Wellfleet Public Library was accepted. Not only accepted, but eagerly anticipated. I had proposed new and experimental work, all of it extensions of the slowing down I had begun months earlier. By January 2023 I was deeply into the process, putting things together that made sense on an intuitive level..
I wrapped twigs, combined them with bones and cloth, and built small and precarious sculptures. I was reminded of a Jewish legend about the birth of Abraham.
In the story an evil king, Nimrod, decreed that all the newborn Jewish males should be killed. Abe’s mother hid in a cave to give birth. She wrapped him in her garment and left, thinking it better to leave him than subject him to murder. What happened? God sent the angel Gabriel down and the angel taught the baby Abraham to nurse from his own little finger. The child survived….. and the story continued….
Some themes recur. They appear as if from nowhere, and come into and through my hands, through my work. Danger, birth, flesh, spirit. Big ideas, here in intimate scale.