CONNECTIONS: Lost and Found, my solo exhibit, opened at Ceres Gallery on April 23. The opening was April 25. It was packed! - I have never seen so many people at an opening at Ceres who came in, not because they were friends or relatives, but to connect with the art. To SEE the art, LOOK at it carefully, and TALK with the artist, in this case, me, about what they saw, thought, wondered about and felt. I was flooded with good feeling and confirmation from our interactions. I could tell “for sure” that my art was affecting people in a good and useful way, that it was “doing its right work.”
Here are a few more images of recent work. There are over 100 of these small drawings at Ceres. I am tapping a heart spot in some of these, and in others, those mysterious parts of my psyche. I learn from what I do.